Fast Wine Trail Facts UncategorizedWine Trail News Fast Wine Trail Facts The Applegate Valley AVA is a sub-appellation of the Rogue Valley AVA, which is contained…Applegate Wine TrailMarch 2, 2015
40 Years of Winegrowing Uncategorized 40 Years of Winegrowing This Spring Valley View Winery is celebrating our 40th growing season. I was only 4 at…Applegate Wine TrailMay 1, 2012
Un’Wined and Kickoff Oregon Wine Month Uncategorized Un’Wined and Kickoff Oregon Wine Month As reported in January, Governor Kitzhaber signed a proclamation designating May as Oregon Wine Month. To…Applegate Wine TrailApril 16, 2012
Oregon’s Quality Put to the Test Uncategorized Oregon’s Quality Put to the Test "Oregon wines are receiving 90 points or better more often than wines from California, France…Applegate Wine TrailApril 16, 2012
Bud Break, An Annual Milestone Uncategorized Bud Break, An Annual Milestone There are significant milestones that define one’s life and our evolutionary path toward the future.…Applegate Wine TrailApril 12, 2012
Down in the Valley Uncategorized Down in the Valley From the ski slopes of Mount Ashland drive along the Applegate River loaded with…Applegate Wine TrailJanuary 17, 2012
– Newsflash – Uncategorized – Newsflash – The Rogue Valley Winegrowers Association (RVWA) will present an "Operating a Successful Tasting Room" seminar…Applegate Wine TrailJanuary 3, 2012
Top 100? Uncategorized Top 100? While our blog is normally about wines and wine news of the Applegate, this one…Applegate Wine TrailOctober 31, 2011
— Newsflash — Uncategorized — Newsflash — Six Southern Oregon Winery Association members from the Applegate, along with 19 additional wineries from…Applegate Wine TrailOctober 27, 2011
I love Fall, am I sick or what! Uncategorized I love Fall, am I sick or what! In the Applegate we have a true Fall. The colors are outstanding, the weather…Applegate Wine TrailOctober 6, 2011