Southern Oregon World of Wine Awards Uncategorized Southern Oregon World of Wine Awards Be sure to check out the listing of those medals awarded to Applegate wineries under…Applegate Wine TrailAugust 19, 2011
The history of Champagne Uncategorized The history of Champagne To better understand the history of Champagne, one has to touch on, however briefly, the…Applegate Wine TrailAugust 5, 2011
Hospitality….Applegate’s Got It! Uncategorized Hospitality….Applegate’s Got It! "Hospitality" (Hos-pi-tal-i-ty) - kindness to visitors: friendly, welcoming and generous treatment offered to guests or…Applegate Wine TrailJune 28, 2011
Fruit is Setting in the Applegate Valley Uncategorized Fruit is Setting in the Applegate Valley Hello from the beautiful Applegate Valley. The sun is out and it is starting to finally…Applegate Wine TrailJune 14, 2011
Applegate Valley Goes to Hospice du Rhone Uncategorized Applegate Valley Goes to Hospice du Rhone Yes, the Applegate is stretching its wings once again. Last week I was pouring Cowhorn…Applegate Wine TrailMay 10, 2011
Spring is on the Applegate Wine Trail! Uncategorized Spring is on the Applegate Wine Trail! Even though it is sometimes raining, hailing, snowing, or all three at once, Spring is…Applegate Wine TrailApril 23, 2011
Winetrail Blog Is On! Uncategorized Winetrail Blog Is On! Wine and wine related Topics from the Applegate.Applegate Wine TrailApril 20, 2011